West Coast

Agadir and Essaouira, cities worth including in your trip.

The western part of Morocco is mainly known for the Sahara desert, but there are two cities worth visiting; Essaouira and Agadir.

The coast is 175 kms. from Marrakesh, which we consider an acceptable distance to be able to invest 2 days in visiting both cities. Both Agadir with a promenade where you can find shops and restaurants, its views over the port from the ruins of “The Barn”, as Essaouira, listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, are cities worth including in your trip.

We invite you to know them


Blue as the Ocean, white as the foam. Discover its corners.

Essaouira is located on the west coast of Morocco, in the Atlantic Ocean. It is a port city with about 70,000 inhabitants, whose economy is based on fishing, so we can enjoy a walk through its port, contemplate the fishing boats and buy wonderful fish.
We will start the visit at Its medina, listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since 2001, through the gate called “Petit Bab Marrakech”. In it, we can acquire products from its wood industry, textile and food, as well as products of crafts, marquetry and jewelry in particular. We can also enjoy its restaurants, tearooms, coffee shops, and visit the main square, Moulay El Hassan. In this square, is it usual to find some local and strangers artists, playing their music and shows, and also terraces where it is so pleasant to be on any season of the year.
Inside the Medina, we can visit the Synagogue, a quite hidden place where Jews go to pray from very different points of the Moroccan geography.
We will continue walking along the fortresses, Scala du Port, built by the Portuguese in 1.506, and from which we can have the best sights or views of Essaouira and its old fishing port. From the walls of Essaouira, we could also contemplate the island of Mogador, where we can distinguish the ruins of the fortification, the Mosque and the old prison. It is worth admiring the hustle and bustle of this port where we can see the fishermen, sellers and buyers, and even some restaurants that prepare the fish right there so that you can enjoy sitting on its terraces.
We can also buy and carry it, so that they can prepare it to our taste, in a restaurant in the Medina.

Another interesting event is the Gnaoua and World Music Festival of Essaouira, which is held every year, and which attracts thousands of artists and visitors each edition.

Don’t hesitate in adding Essaouira to your trip, if you like sea, fish, music and misterious corners!


Agadir, a port with history

It limits to the north with the provinces of Essaouira and Marrakech, to the east with the province of Uarzazate, to the southeast with the province of Tan-Tan, to the south with the province of Tiznit and to the west with the Atlantic Ocean.

It was founded by the Portuguese around 1500. It is essentially a fishing ground with a population of around half a million inhabitants.

An earthquake destroyed the city on February 29 in 1.960 and they needed later to reconstructed it as the modern city that we can visit nowadays.

Agadir is not the typical Moroccan city.  Its large buildings, hotels, cafes and wide roads and its university,  make it seems like an european city. There is a New Medina with the typical artisan shops, cafes and restaurants which has been designed like the old medieval cities.

We can also visit in Agadir the center, New Talborjt, its new spa tourist área, its modern promenade with a lot of restaurants, shops and discos,  or the Mosques of Mohamed V and Loubnane.

Also noteworthy are the gardens of Olhao and Ibn Zidoun or the Catholic Church of Santa Ana on the Avenida de Marrakech. But without a doubt, the most spectacular thing is to watch the sunset from the mountains above the port, from which you can contemplate all the splendor of Agadir.

One of the main resources of the area in terms of tourist attraction is the National Park of Souss-Massa.

During the summer, the Timitar Festival is held, a festival of Berber music and music of the world. It is worth attending if you are in this area on those dates.

We invite you to join us in this tour of this city that, along with Essaouira, is one of our favorite visits to the western coast of Morocco.

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