Route of the Kasbahs

Aït Ben Haddou

If we go on our way to Ait Ben Haddou, by road, from Marrakech, we have 168 kms to do. Depending on the time of the year, we might find a very different view. During the winter, the mountains of High Atlas are covered by snow, in Spring we can see the almond trees along the valley. Summer is the dryest time, and it shows all the yellow and ochre spectrum. It is located in the Draa River Valley, and due to this we will have to go through High Atlas. Along the Draa (which goes from High Atlas to the limits with Argelia) live between a hundred and two hundred thousand people, working the agriculture in their majority. Along the Draa we find also Ksar, or fortificated cities like Ait Ben Haddou, that’s why we know this one as the Route of the Kasbahs.



In Ait Ben Haddou, our home, we are lucky to have the best conserved Kasbah in all Morocco. UNESCO recognized it as Humanity Patrimony. Ait Ben Haddou will be forever a place for Hollywood movies and other filming projects. We can say without lying that every person who comes, comes back at least once again. We are just in the way to the desert, which makes the visit something recomendable. But we don’t pretend this village to be a passing away place. We propose you to meet real Village, to meet its people, welcoming for nature. We want you to enjoy the calm of the place. Hotels are fitted with all the comodities you may need to spend at least one night and enjoying the sunsets and the environment.


The climate of Aït Ben Haddou is desertic. During the year, there is virtually no rainfall in Ouarzazate. This climate is considered BWh according to the climatic classification of Köppen-Geiger. The average temperature in Ouarzazate is 19.1 ° C. There is about 150 mm rainfall.

The Kasbah of Telouet

An unavoidable stop on the Route of the Kasbahs

The Kasbah of Telouet is located between the cities of Marrakesh and Ouarzazate, exactly at 1,650 meters of altitude. In this hidden place, we can find one of the most interesting Kasbahs in our route. Built in 1860, it was owned by El Glaoui family. Thami El Glaoui, who is also known as “The Lord of the Atlas”, was the Pasha of Marrakech between the years 1912 and 1956. There use to tell many stories about this character. Some consider him a ruthless warrior, and some others assure he was a good person, but there is no doubt that he played an important role during French colonialism.

This Kasbah, together with another of its properties in Ouarzazate, The Kasbah of Taourirt, are two of our main stops on the Route of the Kasbahs.
The Ksar, or set of Kasbahs, is built in an strategic positions, to have control over the area. Let’s not forget that the socio-political structure of this society was similar the feudal lords one during the Middle Ages in Europe. From these Ksar or fortified cities, control was exercised over the rights of the caravans, which transited between the countries of southern Africa and the cities of northern Morocco.
In the Kasbah of Telouet, we can admire ceilings and walls of polychrome stucco and cedar, ceramic tiles, grilles and lattices in the windows, as well as tiles and skylights. We will also discover their heating systems, their way of life, and we will reveal some of their secrets, such as what four prestigious generals were there during the Second World War, or why their access door has a smaller door integrated.
We will also have the possibility to visit in the vicinity the origin of one of its most prestigious merchandise. Join us without any hesitate, we will be glad to have you! But please, try to plan your trip with some time, due to the influx of visitors.

The Kasbah of Taourirt

Our last stop on the Route of the Kasbahs

The Kasbah of Taourirt is Located in Ouarzazate. It is one of the most important kasbahs of our route.
Ouarzazate is located in the south of the Great Atlas Mountains and, in the past, it was an important point of connection for merchants between the cities of Morocco and the rest of Africa. It reached its greatest growth during French Colonialism, a stage in which it had an entire administrative structure including the Customs office.
The Kasbah of Taourirt is one of the most important fortifications in Morocco, next to Aït Ben Haddou, located only 34 km away. This type of buildings are accessed through a main door that leads to a maze of corridors and rooms. Around 300 rooms in total.
Built in the 19th century, it was owned by the El Glaoui family. Thami El Glaoui, who is also known as “The Lord of the Atlas”, was the Pasha of Marrakech between the years 1912 and 1956. They told a lot of stories about this character: Some consider him a ruthless warrior and others consider him a good person, but there is no doubt that he played an important role during French Colonialism.
The official residence of the El Glaoui family was in the Kasbah of Telouet, another of our stops on this route, but many of their descendants and relatives lived in this Kasbah accompanied by a whole team of workers who attended them.
It is usual to find in this type of construction some magnificently decorated doors, mosaics, plaster and painted stucco.

We’ll finish by suggesting you about accompanying us to visit these fortifications, in whose visit we will show you, for example, the reason why there are 2 doors integrated in one, or what characters were using the facilities. We ought mention that you’d have to plan the trip with time due to the influx of visitors.

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Dirección: Douar Aït Ben Haddou, Ait Zinb Amerzgane, Aït Ben Haddou, 45122, Ouarzazate, Marruecos

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